Sat Nov 16, 9:00 AM - Sat Nov 16, 1:00 PM
422 Guadalupe St, Austin, tx 78701

Community: Downtown Austin


Free parking, live music, get breakfast or lunch, all your groceries, colorful vegetables, herbs, fruits, meats, cheeses, gulf seafood, mushrooms, chocolate, kombucha, milk, nuts, salsas, humus and dips, coffee, tea, tacos, and soooooo much more.

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We sell our seasonal vegetable produce, pastured chicken eggs, goat meat, and assorted pickles at the Sustainable Food Center Farmer's Market at Republic Square Park in Downtown Austin, TX. We have been at this market for over 18 years and attend rain or shine all year long. Every Saturday 9am-1pm.

Visit SFC's website for more info on current vendors!

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