S'D'K Shop

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1401 Lavaca Street
Austin, TX 78701 AustinRate and review
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SDK Shops is an entertainment convenience store! We focus on providing products and services for musical artists of all types as well as other forms of entertainers. SDK Shops is a hub for artists to develop and grow their craft and gain better access to other needs such as marketing, housing, transportation, medical and more. SDK Shops Includes everything in a full-service store and shop for any service or product that Studd Da Kidd offers. SDK Shop allows potential and current customers new products, upgrades, make payments, pick-up equipment, handle certain HR needs and more. SDK Shops will host a multitude of stores expanding and providing as quickly as a convenience store.

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Get to know S'D'K Shop

S’D’K Shop, doing business as Studd Da Kidd shops, is an American multinational entertainment convenience store company, engaged in designing centralized functions to help artists achieve entertainment economies of scale and efficiency by streamlining, Centralizing, all aspects of needs for an artist's personal and career welfare. It is positioned to be considered one of the Big Five American music companies.

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