ADRN's Hope Family Thrift Store was created to help provide support to disaster survivors and provide a place for volunteers to help their community.
The Austin Disaster Relief Network (ADRN) is a Christian, non-profit organization that is made up of 130 churches and over 3,800 trained volunteers that sponsor families affected by disaster.
The Hope Family Thrift Store was created to help provide support to disaster survivors and families, as well as:
• Support the mission of ADRN
• Provide a place for volunteers to help their community
• Raise awareness and support for local disasters
How Can You Help?
In order to launch our store by February 2015, we need lots of volunteers. Even if you can not come to the store and help paint, clean or organize, we have a job for you! We will be accepting in-kind donations for our store as early as January 5th.
See "How to Donate" below for item details.
• Pray for the Success of our Location
• Volunteer to Help prepare the Thrift Store
• Give In-Kind Donations to help Launch our Store
To Volunteer, sign up at: http://www2.mysignup.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi?datafile=storecleanup_nov_15
To view our In-Kind Donation Needs to help lauch our store, click here: http://www2.mysignup.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi?datafile=thriftstoreneedslist
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