Streamline Cycles

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Streamline Cycles and is now closed... due to 14,000 scooters that overpopulated Austin we had to fold up shop.
Thank y'all for the 5 years we loved doing what we did.
Sorry Austin but locally owned small business. this is not the city for that.

Austin's only full service bike shop and Bike Rentals in a Airstream trailer.
Streamline Cycles is a shop created to help all cyclists of all kinds. We are here to serve Austin's biking community needs. We are locally based and a proud supporter of keeping Austin local. Our goal is to give you optimal service without any compromises towards quality. Safety is always our number one concern. We will always be here to help give you what you need to get your bike back on the road safely.

How Streamline Cycles came to be:
I'm a local Austinite born and raised in the great City of Austin. I've always had passion for bicycles but never pursued it until about 5 yrs ago when it was my only means of transportation. I was absolutely amazed on how embracing the bicycle community was to someone who no knowledge or experience. From that point on I feel in love with the culture and the bicycling community. As fate would have it I walked into a local shop carrying my first bike that I wanted to build. While I was there I met a man by the name of Brian a man who has +25 years of experience as a bike mechanic. It turned out that he was a giant wealth of knowledge and helped me piece together my first bike build. I can honestly say from t

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