Casa de Luz is not for everyone. It may take a few visits to get our taste buds back from the salt and sugar, we have become accustomed to eating at 'restaurants'. Casa de Luz uses only whole foods, no sweeteners or refined oils. Our oil comes from the seeds and nuts we put in the recipe.
When was the last time you saw a balanced meal at a restaurant? We do not like to be called a restaurant because Casa de Luz is so much more than food. We are community, education, nutrition, relaxation and more.
Included in the meal price, Casa de Luz serves filtered water, cold Rooibos Tea, cold Hibiscus Mint Tea and Kukicha Hot Tea.
Find a place to sit with your napkin, flatware and beverage, and then come back up to discover the soup and salad of the day. While you are enjoying your soup and salad, our friendly staff will bring you a plate.
Dark leafy greens flavored with one of our savory sauces is a new discovery for most. Find our sauces cookbook in our fully-stocked store. Next, find our vegetable entree of the meal (lunch or dinner), beside a whole grain and a bean. We ferment our own vegetables sometimes for 3 weeks to create the pickle.
Everything is Organic. We pre-soak our grains and beans before cooking. Our staff forms a quiet circle before preparing the meal. We invite volunteers to help and learn at each shift. They ge
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Meet friends, family and new people in a relaxed atmosphere with great tasting food. Your mind and body will say, Thank You!
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